Friday, December 4, 2009

Is Kindergarten Teacher an easy job????

Hi! The year 2009 is coming to an end. There's only 27 days to 2010. I hope year 2010 would be a better year than 2009 to everybody.

This is year provided me a lot of new experiences and learning. Some are very happy while some can be very bitter. Being a teacher is very difficult, but being a kindergarten teacher is more difficult.

Many people thought that a kindy teacher just have to teach ABC and 123, but no one knows about our responsibilities in taking care of our children, not just academic but in moulding every one of them into a person with knowledge and moral.

Today I have met with one of my future 2010 student's mother. I was inquiring why she decided to stop her child in one of the after school enrichment program which is taught by an outside teacher. As my son is attending the same course too, I find it to be useful for her Mathematics skills in her future years. Its was a big waste too as the teacher told me that this child is beginning to show signs of improvement.

I was shock by the parent's reply, that her decisions was made due to the child's current form teacher's remarks. She told me that the teacher kept saying her child doesn't seems to be improving in spite of all the extra classes she send her child to. I did not know what to say other than to ask her not to make judgement due to a teacher's remarks.

Therefore, being a teacher is not that easy. We need to know how to relay messages in the proper manner, in order to avoid any misunderstanding. I think that particular parent reacted too harshly over the teacher's remarks, or was the teacher too harsh on the child? Well, we do not know. But one thing I already know is that I have to choose my words carefully because as parents we love our child too much, to hear any bad words about them. To me, as a mother of three children, I have learnt to accept anything about my children, though I would appreciate praises more.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Yes, being a kindy teacher is not easy. Being a good and kind kindy teacher is even more difficult. That's why I appreciate all that you have done. I know that you always have the children's interest at heart and deep in their hearts, the children appreciate your love and concern as well. Good bye to 2009 and let's look forward to a good 2010!

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